New Art

A major element of the full restoration of the gompa is the drawing and new painting by Lama Shashi, assisted by Chakra.The main focus for the painting is the new gyalpo, but all new rooms and timbers will need to be painted. Since autumn 2012 Shashi and Chakra Tulachan have been painting using traditional colour pigments, made into paints with ‘glue’ boiled from cow hides. This traditional method produces colours which are longer lasting that modern synthetic paints.

©April 2013 S Barakzai
Shashi inks in his design to the gyalpo wall c.2013 S Barakzai
©April 2013 S Barakzai
The Tulachan brothers and helper sketch and paint c.2013 S Barakzai
©April 2013 S Barakzai
A multitude of colours created from five pigments c.2013 S Barakzai